Fun Finds and Friendships
From 1983 until 1994 Bob Ross filmed “The Joy of Painting” at WIPB-TV in Muncie. During those years Bob came to adore the community and the surrounding region. It’s no surprise that spending so much time in town, and with his down-to-earth personality, Bob quickly made many friends. An antique enthusiast, Bob often found himself hunting for glassware made in the area. Of particular interest was Albany glass. Noted for its opalescent shades, stripe and swirl patterns, and eye-catching beauty, these beautiful pressed glass pieces were made in nearby Albany, Indiana, in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Vase made by the Model Flint Glass Works in Albany, Indiana between 1900 and 1902. Minnetrista Heritage Collection
After finding out that Linda Needham (wife of WIPB-TV’s station manager Jim Needham) was also an Albany glass collector, the two began a friendship that often involved hunting together for antique treasures. Linda also lent Bob a helping hand when he decided to purchase his own home in town. While Bob had rented both an apartment and a house in Muncie during the early-1980s, after a few years of filming “The Joy of Painting,” he decided it only made sense to commit to the community and purchase his own home. As a realtor, Linda offered to help Bob find the perfect location.
Although he loved the house that provided privacy and views of nature, in 1991 Bob decided it was time to sell. By that time he wanted to find a home in Florida closer to his aging mother. When the time came for Bob to sell the house, Linda again offered to assist her friend. When Bob asked how he could thank her, she laughingly pointed to a painting of his she admired. “Linda, not that one. I painted it for me.” Not long after, Bob came to visit. He had painted Linda her own copy of the composition – a gift from one friend to another.
Untiled Oil on Canvas, painted by Bob Ross for Linda Needham, 1991. Private Collection
Even after Bob moved to Florida, he still returned to Muncie four times a year to film his television series – seeing Linda and his friends in Muncie whenever he could. Luckily for Bob, antique Albany glass could be found just about anywhere. So, while he would still hunt for treasures with Linda in Indiana he would also make fun finds in Florida and elsewhere around the country. Often he would take photos of his newest purchases and send snapshots to Linda accompanied by a letter letting her know if his recent discoveries ….. and even giving her a friendly taunt about what he now had for his collection that she did not.
Did you know that the Albany Glass Museum in Albany, Indiana, had four pieces of glass from Bob Ross’s personal collection on display? If you’d like to see them, or learn more about Albany glass, we recommend checking them out!