a minnetrista signature event

a minnetrista signature event


May 9, 2025; 4–8 p.m.
May 10, 2025;
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Free Community Event

At Garden Fair, you'll discover a world of beautiful plants, landscaping tools, and crafts to enhance your summer gardening projects. This two-day community event is the perfect destination for foodies, music lovers, and garden enthusiasts alike.

Meet and learn from vendors and horticulture experts while spending time with loved ones in a vibrant community atmosphere with live music, crafts and activities, food and drinks, and more. Live music from local artists and bands makes for the perfect backdrop to your horticultural journey. There will be something for everyone at this unique community event!

In partnership with:

Image of red flowers in the background with the Garden Fair logo.
A woman and her children shop together at a flower market, surrounded by an array of colorful flowers.
Image of red flowers in the background that says "vendor application".
A man and a woman collaborate on a gardening project at an outdoor table.

minnetrista has something for everyone




gardens &
nature area


the orchard

