family attractions
Backyard Garden
Always available
Wander through the Backyard Garden to discover colorful flowers, exciting interactives, the goldfish and koi pond, and numerous places to play, enjoy a picnic, or relax.
Betty’s Cabin
Thursday–Saturday; 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Betty’s Cabin is a great way for families to build long-lasting memories together. Stocked with games, toys, arts, and crafts, the Cabin encourages connections between children and their adult caregivers. The items in the cabin change often, so be sure to stop in frequently and check them out!
Presented by:
Explorer Bags
Year-round during exhibition hours.
Members – Free; Others - $5
Adventure is out there! Gather with your family and friends at Minnetrista to discover adventure around every corner with an Explorer Bag. Full of interactive objects and hands-on activities, Explorer Bags will take you on exciting explorations all over campus. All you have to do is check one out!
Nature Adventure Bag
Calling all outdoor explorers, wilderness wanderers, and budding biologists! Minnetrista may be in the heart of Muncie, but many wild creatures – big and small – have been spotted here, especially in our Nature Area. In this portion of our campus, you can find all three of Indiana’s main habitats – the grassland (or prairie), the wetlands, and the woodlands – along with the critters that call these places home! This explorer bag is stocked with a variety of gear and activity ideas designed to help you discover the natural world. Try out as many or as few activities as you’d like, in any order – you’re the leader of this nature hike! As you explore our campus, we hope you’re inspired and empowered to enjoy the outdoors every day, whether you’re on our grounds, at your local park, or in your own backyard!
Artist Within Me Bag
Minnetrista is home to many works of art across our 40-acre campus, from the Catalyst sculpture standing outside our Center Building to the paintings hanging inside the Bob Ross Experience. Art – and artists – come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. This explorer bag has a variety of art supplies and ideas for you to experiment with. Try as many or as few as you’d like, in any order – as our friend Bob would say, this is YOUR world! Bob also believed that “there’s an artist hidden at the bottom of every single one of us.” As you explore our campus and experiment with the art supplies in this explorer bag, we hope you discover the artist hidden within you!
Imagination Playground
Available on a rotating basis.
Imaginations come alive in the Imagination Playground at Minnetrista! You and your family can, run, jump, play, and create while using giant foam building blocks. What will you create?
Play HabiTile!
Cultivate curiosity about the local ecosystem by playing HabiTile with your family! HabiTile is a web-based game created by Studio Hungus for a Ball State Immersive Learning Project led by Professor Paul Gestwicki. Studio Hungus is made up of students from Ball State’s Department of Computer Science.