a minnetrista signature event

a minnetrista signature event


July 24-26, 2025; 5–9 p.m.
Sensory-friendly, July 26, 2025; 12:30–3:30 p.m.

Cost: $12; kids 2 & under free | Members $10; kids 2 & under free
Oakhurst Gardens
Interactive Social Story

Once upon a time, a little girl named Elisabeth “Betty” Ball lived in the Oakhurst home. She discovered faeries living among the trees and flowers. Betty wore her faerie attire, played games, danced, and skipped through the grass with her magical friends. As a tribute to Betty and her unshakable belief in faeries, thousands of faeries fly into Oakhurst Gardens every July for the enchanted Faeries, Sprites, & Lights at Minnetrista.

During this multi-day event, children are encouraged to come dressed in their best magical faerie attire as they imagine and play in a magical faerie wonderland. Families can enjoy games, crafts, a theater show, live music and dancing, a bubble garden, and much more throughout our enchanted Oakhurst Gardens. Plus, concessions will be available to keep all of our hungry faeries happy, offering an array of delectable delights ranging from faerie-sized treats to savory snacks fit for even the most discerning woodland appetite.

Thank you to Interlock ECI for sponsoring the
Sensory-Friendly Faeries, Sprites, & Lights session!

The Interlock logo that consists of colorful puzzle pieces in a square.
A purple image with light purple leave ands the Faeries Sprites & Lights logo.
Two children in fairy costumes sitting atop colorful mushrooms in a photo section.
A purple image with Minnetrista's catalyst that says, "support your community".

minnetrista has something for everyone


luminaria walk


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