Creating Community (and Families!) at The Bob Ross Experience

In April 2022, we opened the doors of the Bob Ross Experience to our first batch of Bob Ross Certified Instructor students. Over the past year, we've witnessed the power of this program, paired with the uniqueness of the Bob Ross Experience, in bringing people together and changing lives. However, we didn’t expect the incredible community that would form around this program on our site, including the happy accident of Anna Jonkis and Chris Holmes.

Nestled within the walls where Bob Ross filmed “The Joy of Painting,” the Bob Ross Experience holds a special allure for those seeking certification. Students from across the globe have come to the Bob Ross Experience at Minnetrista to learn his signature wet-on-wet painting style. For the Teaching Certification, students complete three weeks of intensive painting lessons in the hopes of passing on these well-loved techniques to other happy little painters. Lily Rawson, our Lifelong Learning Coordinator and Minnetrista liaison for the program, echoed what many students describe their visit to be like saying, “I really feel like the certification process that takes place on our site is so magical. The ‘power of place’ being where Bob filmed and being part of this community is beautiful.”

This is something that CRI student Chris Holmes picked up on immediately, stating, “I can’t really describe it… Just walking up to [The Bob Ross Experience], you know, taking pictures outside on a Sunday, and walking into that door, it was just wow… I just felt at home. Getting to see his work. To me, it was like he was there. I was in peace all three weeks that I was there.”

Chris Holmes embarked on his certification journey after selling his boat to pay for one week of classes. At the end of the first week, he returned home to Tennessee, knowing he didn’t have the money to finish but fearing that he would regret it forever if he didn’t, he sold timber from his land to cover the rest of the costs. This was well worth it for Chris, who described Bob Ross as a constant companion during his formative years. “Growing up the way I did, I didn’t have many friends, but I had Bob […] He believed in me when a lot of people didn’t,” Chris said. It had been a lifelong dream for Chris to learn to paint like Bob and share it with others, so he was deeply grateful to be able to head back to Minnetrista in October of 2022.

Also returning to certification classes in October of 2022 was Anna Jonkis. Her path to certification was a three-year wait filled with uncertainty. After just one week of classes at the certification site in Florida, COVID-19 hit, forcing her to cut her courses short and return home to the UK. Reflecting on this, she felt fortunate to have taken the first batch of classes before heading into lockdowns because she believes it kept her sane. She was able to practice often and appreciated the calming presence and encouraging message that Bob Ross always sent. After the world opened again, she finally made it to the Bob Ross Experience to continue her certification.

“I was very excited to be able to come back after such a long time and be able to carry on the certification, but I think it was, kind of, it was quite emotional because I got to visit the two places where Bob actually worked. And to be able to see his artwork on display again and experience that studio setup, it was very special,” she explained.

Anna, a Software Engineer from the United Kingdom, and Chris, working in Utilities in Tennessee, would not have crossed paths without all these happy accidents. Chris first noticed Anna because she sat in the seat that he sat in during his first week at the Bob Ross Experience. He said she stood out to him immediately, so he approached her on their second day of classes. Chris wrote his email and phone number on a piece of paper and invited Anna to walk in Oakhurst Gardens or get a coffee sometime. According to Chris, she put it in her pocket and walked away. While their initial meeting didn’t go exactly as planned, a strong connection began to form after painting together and getting to know each other as the program continued. Despite her early hesitance, Anna recalls being a "lost cause" when it came to denying her affection for Chris.

Their relationship wasn't the only one that blossomed. The Bob Ross Teacher Trainer Certification program fosters a close-knit community united by a shared love of painting and a connection to Bob Ross. Chris and Anna fondly remember the support and camaraderie of their fellow students. Chris said, “It was a very homey environment. We’re all there for the same goal, and we cared, and we cheered each other on. It was a very rewarding experience in my life.” Anna agreed, adding, “Going to Muncie to finish weeks two and three, we had a closer-knit group. We got a WhatsApp group going, and we still keep cheering each other on and sharing ideas.”

Their instructor, Faye Fletcher, played a pivotal role in shaping their experience. Anna and Chris spoke highly of her for successfully leading the class and making everyone feel comfortable. Chris remembers arriving early and meeting Faye outside the Bob Ross Experience on the first day. They immediately hit it off, which put him at ease. Discovering that she was the instructor once they got upstairs was another serendipitous moment that set the tone for the rest of the course. They also applaud Lily for her support and enthusiasm for the class. She made everyone feel at home inside the Bob Ross Experience and helped make their time in Muncie more enjoyable.

As the program neared its end, Anna and Chris felt a mix of emotions. They were elated to fulfill their dreams of becoming Certified Ross Instructors but saddened to leave behind the haven the Bob Ross Experience had become for them. Although the program has a lot of painting and learning techniques, they both described it as calming. They said the rest of the world and daily stressors melted away. It was a place of learning, painting, friendship, and a celebration of their shared love of Bob Ross, so the prospect of parting ways left uncertainty in the air. Although they knew they’d go on to paint and now be able to teach Bob Ross Painting Workshops, Chris said he wasn’t sure he’d ever see Anna again. They remember their classmates watching from the windows as they said their goodbyes on the last day.

On hour eight of his nine-hour drive home, Chris received a text message from Anna: "I already miss you so much.” After that, they spoke several times daily and started their long-distance relationship in November of 2022. After almost nine months of long-distance visits and daily phone calls, the couple celebrated their wedding in Tennessee. Lily and Faye were proud to attend!

While not every story results in marriage, Chris and Anna’s relationship is a beautiful example of the connections made in the Bob Ross Instructor Certification Program at Minnetrista. With each class of Certified Ross Instructors, Bob’s legacy of building an intricate network of friends and mentors and creating community through the joy of painting lives on.

Both Chris and Anna teach as often as their schedules allow. Anna enjoys teaching classes to young artists in the UK, and Chris enjoys collaborating with his community in Henderson, TN. They plan to move in together and offer more classes in Tennessee, spreading joy and inspiration to people through Bob Ross’ teachings. You can check out their work and upcoming classes on their website, Serenity in Color. Chris and Anna offer a resounding message to anyone considering becoming a Certified Ross Instructor: go for it!

Learn more about the Bob Ross Experience and this program here.


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