Cartoons, Comics, and Even Some Animation
In January, Minnetrista brought the fun and engaging travelling exhibition “Animationland” to campus. Created by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, this unique exhibit allows visitors of all ages to explore the world of animation through art and science. Although our visitors were able to enjoy this show for several weeks on our site, our temporary closure to the public has cut the show a bit short.
Votes for Women
As we progress through the calendar year, it is evident 2020 will be a year for the history books. From the global pandemic heaping impact after impact on our nation, to the upcoming presidential election, this year is sure to be filled with milestones and events historians will continue talking about for years to come. With so much going on it should not be forgotten that 2020 is also the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment – the groundbreaking legislation providing women with the opportunity to vote.
Spreading a Little Holiday Cheer
When I sit down to work on a blog post I often take a look back to see what was written the year before. When I did that this month I smiled as I realized that with the holiday season drawing near, last year I wrote about Ball Brothers’ special edition of A Christmas Carol. This is a piece of company and family history that remains one of my favorites, but, the small book given out to employees, friends, and family is not the only story of Christmas at Ball Brothers Company.
Ball Ledger Collection
Recently one of our Archives volunteers, Norm Beck, agreed to take on the task of reviewing the collection of Ball family and company financial ledgers to determine type of content (investments, sales, income, etc.) and how they are set up to find the information contained within. Although just getting started with the collection, he has made some interesting discoveries.
Hot Weather and Water Supplies
Hot weather is not a new phenomenon. While it currently may be hotter for longer periods of time and in places that do not normally experience high temperatures, extreme heat conditions made an impact on people’s lives and livelihood more than 100 years ago.
Faeries, Sprites, & Lights Recap
For some people, Minnetrista’s Faeries, Sprites & Lights event is an annual occasion to bring the family together, but there are others who have heard of the event, but are still unsure what exactly it entails. Is it a play production? A summer carnival for kids? When you haven’t ever experienced FSL firsthand, there can be a lot of questions. As a newcomer to Muncie myself, and as a Minnetrista rookie, I approached the same learning curve.
The Machine That Cures All Illnesses
If only it was that simple. According to the instruction book for a piece of medical equipment in the Minnetrista Heritage Collection, “All human ailments, with the exception of highly infectious and contagious diseases, are traceable to one cause: Imperfect circulation and impoverished blood.”
Storm Water Mitigation at Minnetrista
Muncie is making its mark in the Midwest as an eco-friendly city and Minnetrista’s work in storm water mitigation is a big part of these efforts! Minnetrista is known in East Central Indiana for its historic gardens and beautiful landscaping. It is apparent to many who visit that Minnetrista goes above and beyond in our care for the gardens and our emphasis on nature preservation.
Experiencing Bob Ross at Minnetrista
In 1983 a Datsun camper drove into Muncie, IN, carrying a little-known art instructor named Bob Ross. Although the vehicle had seen better days and the wheels had some rust, the truck itself was filled with paints, canvases, and easels ready to unlock the creativity and dreams of those lucky enough to join Bob in one of his painting classes.
Weddings at Minnetrista
To many people, the most magical time at Minnetrista is summer, with events such as Faeries, Sprites and Lights and the Fourth of July. However, if you ask a bride or groom they will tell you the real magic and fireworks at Minnetrista occur at each wedding held there. Spanning 40 acres and filled with natural beauty and rich history, Minnetrista is truly a hidden gem wedding location. This week we are going to take a look into what makes Minnetrista the perfect wedding spot and how the event staff works to make each bride and groom’s special day one to remember.
Baur Window Glass
Emil Baur started the Baur Window Glass Company in Eaton in 1897. The factory was located just east of the Standard Washboard factory, bounded by Perry Street on the west (known today as Meridian) and Washington Street on the south.
Ball Blue and the Hoosier Slide
They’re everywhere – in grandma’s basement, at flea markets and rummage sales, and in the Minnetrista Heritage Collection. They are used to hold pencils and pens, as centerpieces at wedding receptions, and as decoration in many kitchens. They are the beautiful blue jars, which Ball Brothers in Muncie produced. In approximately twenty years, Ball made millions of Perfect Mason and Ideal jars, some in clear, but most in blue.
Meet the Marketing Team
In recent blogs, you were introduced to the horticulture team and the grounds team. This week, we would like to introduce the marketing team! The marketing team is of responsible for internal and external branding, outreach efforts and continuing Minnetrista’s message to the community and East Central Indiana.
Ball Women Fashion
From big and extravagant to slender and elegant, the evolution of women’s traces self-expression through history. Style showcases personality without ever saying a word. This was the case for the Ball women. For decades, they used clothing as a way to display not only their personality, but their social status. Let’s take a look at some of these beautiful pieces that have stood the test of time, pieces that have been entrusted to Minnetrista for safe-keeping.
Creative Ventures and Colorful Dreams
Did you watch the Academy Awards ceremony last month? Like usual, the event was filled with celebrity appearances, musical performances, and of course the presentation of Hollywood’s most coveted award – the Oscar. While the awards have been given out since 1929, the film industry has been around much longer. In fact some entrepreneurs achieved success in producing motion pictures in the late 19th century, and by the early 20th films had become a full-fledged industry drawing countless viewers.
Delaware County Airports
Aviation excitement caught on early in Delaware County. On September 27, 1912, nine years after the Wright brothers’ first successful flight, the Muncie Aero Club was established. According to a Star Press news article that day, it was thought that “Muncie, the Magic City, should occupy a prominent space in the annals American Aviation. It possesses the intellectual, mechanical and financial ability to make it an excellent aviation center.”
Black History Month in Delaware County
February is finally here, and it’s a very special month for more than one reason. Not only is it a time to celebrate love with Valentine’s Day, but also to honor the strength and resiliency of African-Americans who paved the way in our communities.
Winifred, The Artist
Winifred Brady Adams, wife of well-known Hoosier Group artist J. Ottis Adams and a fine artist herself, is stepping front and center in an upcoming exhibition at the David Owsley Museum of Art at Ball State. The exhibition titled Impressions of Love: J. Ottis and Winifred Brady Adams, a Ball State University Centennial Exhibition will feature an almost equal number of paintings by the husband and wife artists.
A Christmas Carol
Each year the Holiday season seems to get busier and busier. Hanukkah and Christmas have now passed us by and New Year’s is fast approaching. Last month it seemed like I had plenty of time ahead of me to bake treats and make plans to see everyone on my list. Now that we’re in the home stretch to turning the calendar I mainly feel tired and frazzled.
Meet Our Grounds Team
In one of our last blog's you were introduced to our Horticulture Team—some of the people that keep Minnetrista looking its best. This week, it's our pleasure to introduce you to our Grounds Team! The Grounds Team is comprised of Manager, Steve Scott; Supervisor, Olaf Larson; and assistants Tim Smith and Brian Peterson. These gentleman work tirelessly every single day to make sure Minnetrista's roads are clear, the paths are clean, and the grass and grounds are well-cared for and looking their best.