minnetrista theatre preserves

Minnetrista Theatre Preserves provides theatrical performances which meet educational standards. With a team of professional actors, MTP presents new takes on classic stories alongside newly imagined narratives all of which hold the audience spellbound and leave them considering a wide variety of themes and lessons.

There are two ways to experience Minnetrista Theatre Preserves!

At your location:

We aren’t currently traveling, but we look forward to heading back on the road in the future.

As part of your visit to Minnetrista:

Visit our beautiful campus! While visiting the gardens, the exhibits, or an event at Minnetrista, like Faeries, Sprites, & Lights or the Enchanted Luminaria Walk, further the educational experience on the same day with an interactive show from MTP.

To book your Minnetrista Theatre Preserves performance, contact the Theatre & Events Manager at 765.287.3529 or email her at knovotny@minnetrista.net.